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Journal bellus quies's Journal: the weirdness of low level chemo 2

6-mp, mercaptopurine, whatever you want ot call it, it sucks.

My doctor just upped my dose, from it's low level to med-low dose. And I've noticed the side effects increasing. Mainly the fatigue. I noticed it alot this last weekend. I'd sleep for 10-11 hours wake up adn then a couple of hours later feel my feet drag, and this overwhelming sleepiness. The thought crossed my mind more than once to just crawl into the car and take a nap because browzing around REI or the bookstore was tiresome.

And now I think I've come up with something new. Maybe the whole change of taste thing. Because lately, I just haven't been wanting to eat meat. It just hasn't been apealing. It's fine with things like chicken soup, where it's not the main ingredient. But something like carne asada or steak...I'll pass for now.

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the weirdness of low level chemo

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  • Stuff was awful. Like you said, the fatigue and drowsiness was horrible. I was barely able to function.

    Are you taking it for migraines? In my case the cure (the 6-mp) was worse than the disease, so I just stopped taking it.

    Nowadays I just take Maxalt when I get headaches, and it works wonderfully. I feel like a truck hit me afterwards, but at least I don't have a headache and I'm not tired, and I can function.



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