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Journal repruhsent's Journal: C# is Teh Ghey 1

Last winter I had to take a class at my university entitled "Event Driven Programming." The guidebook said that it would be in Java, so I figured the class would be a blow off since I've been doing Java for years and am pretty comfortable with it.

Anyway, I show up to class the first day and the lady who taught my section (coincidentally the only section that semester) said that she was going to be teaching the class in C#. This of course pissed me off, since the only usable implementation of C# on my preferred operating system (OS X) was Mono, which doesn't have Windows Forms implemented (at least I don't think so). You could probably compile the thing from scratch and get it all set up, but I'm not running Linux. Compiling is for douches like this guy.

So anyway, after about 8 months of playing around with C# I can tell you that it kind of sucks. It's a quasi-interpreted language (people would say it's compiled just-in-time like) which makes you think it would be completely architecture/platform independant, but since Microsoft developed it there aren't any really usable implementations for other platforms (no shock there). You can develop command line apps all you want with Mono on other platforms, but GUI ones are another story. Yes, I know about GTK#, but GTK+ is ugly enough... the idea of having an interpreted language driving that shitfest makes me want to puke.

Anyway, I guess I'm back to writing shit in Java, at least when I want a quick, dirty app. I'd like to fuck around with Cocoa as well, but I can't find any books out there that don't suck for learning it. Plus, it would help if I had my iMac back before I tried this.

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C# is Teh Ghey

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