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User Journal

Journal bellus quies's Journal: 182 hours used up, delving into 75%

At the begining of the year:
182 hours of 100% sick time
120 hours of 75% sick time

0 hours of 100%
117 hours of 75%

Yep, I've used up all of my sick time during this latest Crohn's flare and now am taking a hit in the pocketbook whenever I have to take time out to go to the doctors. I certainly hope that this abscess is dried up and not returning because I don't get anymore time untill the new year. Luckily I've got the 75% and adequate health care that doesn't charge me much for visits. I should probably check and see how much $$ I've put out for medical so that I can deduct if on my taxes, but I'm not sure that I've gone over the limit (I think it's somewhere around $8000 before you can start getting taxes back)

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182 hours used up, delving into 75%

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