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Journal sam_handelman's Journal: Got arrested today 7

Let's see, I went down to the demo at NYU, turnout was good (a thousand people? A lot), especially for late august, hung out for an hour or so, ate a couple vendor hot dogs and some diet snapple, chanted extensively (my voice is very loud).

Me and 80 other people sat down in front of the entrance to the library, linked hands, and were arrested after we refused to move.

Got transfered to central booking, had to take the shoelaces out of my shoes, spent several hours in a big holding cell with all the other demonstrators.

It was *exhausting*, but the police - who are having their own labor dispute at the moment - were very nice, very polite. Processing took forever but that is to be expected.

UPDATE - We were at NYU protesting the refusal of the administration there to negotiate a new contract with their graduate students. They expect to strike sometime later in the fall.

The protest was pre-arranged with the police, we went in planning to be arrested and had already arranged this with the cops, which is part of why it went so smoothly.

History here:

Newpaper story on the protest here:

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Got arrested today

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