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Journal bellus quies's Journal: Photo Shoot 1

Well I just got back for a photo shoot for a book written by one of my favorite self help authors, Rhonda Britten. The books about body image, and called Do I Look Fat in This? : Get Over Your Body and On With Your Life.

It was apretty cool, seeing all the other girls that decided to attend the shoot. The thing was an e-mail was sent out a couple of days ago asking for voulenteers in the LA area to get their pictures taken. THe thing was that all the pictures were to be of you in black bike shorts and a black sports bra. And then they were going to video tape interviws with you as well.

I decided to go for it mainly becuse it made me very nervous thingking of going in front of a camera when I'm overweight with all this extra weight I've regained in the last year since my Crohn's relapsed. Yep I'm not looking forward to having my current low point documented. (Yep, I'm not happy I am up to 240 right now as I was able to get down to 185 from my high of 265) But I did it becasue I was scared. I did it because I like to do things that make me uncomfortable because I wanted to expand my comfort circle.

IT was so helpful going there and seeing all the other girls who had their own body imaage issues. Like Rhonda's personal assistant who was model gorgeous, but thought she was disgusting adn didn't want to have her picture taken. Also, the cute asian girl who was a dancer and an actress and was in tears because she didn't want to be so vulnerable. But they both got the courage up to get in the black and take their pictures. It makes me feel so much more comfortable knowing things I feel are common throughout. Everyone has their issues. And just giving up all that obscession with body issues frees one up to be so much more.

They also talked about contacting all the voulenteers for a book release party when it comes out. That will be pretty cool.

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Photo Shoot

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