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Journal Sheetrock's Journal: Oops.

I found this somewhat amusing.

At the pro-Bush rally several miles away, there were some heated moments when two members of Protest Warrior, a group that frequently holds counter protests to anti-war rallies, walked in with a sign that read "Say No to War Unless a Democrat is President."

Many Bush supporters only saw the top of the sign and believed the men were war protesters, so they began shouting and chasing the pair out. One man tore up their signs.

-- from AP/ABC News

The actual sign, not seen here because I forgot where I originally read the story that had a picture of it, had "Say No to War" in large font and the rest was nearly unreadable in the picture. So the misunderstanding was understandable.

I'm afraid "Waving subtle comedic wit in a hostile crowd" has just been crossed off the list of occasions where it pays to be cleverer than your audience. For the next event might I suggest a Goatse print and an airhorn?

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