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Journal KoriaDesevis's Journal: Change 12

About a week ago I had a health scare that put me in the hospital. I am all right now, but the experience opened my eyes a bit to the way I have done things. I'd just as soon not get specific about the overall experience, but I will summarize it like this - I need to lower my anxiety and stress levels a bit.

This morning, I am handing in my resignation to my employer. I like the routine of having a job, but I don't *need* this job. Since my job is a source of frustration right now, it's on the hit list.

I will be selling my house and leaving Washington DC. I've talked this over with my parents and they have agreed to let me stay with them for a short while, until I buy a new place which will be somewhere more rural and slower-paced than metropolis. I am hopeful that I can be closer to them geographically, but I am not wanting to be on their doorstep. It is nice to know that they well be in striking range should I need them, though.

Once I am settled I will be looking at finding a job that suits me. Financially I will be fine for a while, so there is not a rush there.

I will be posting less for obvious reasons. I am not going away but I will be participating a lot less than I have in the past, while I figure out my new situation.

This discussion was created by KoriaDesevis (781774) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • You are blessed to have the space and resources that you need to deal with it. Best of fortune for the healing process.
  • Its a pretty small and easy going city, plus everyone else is moving here :)
    • I second that! :-)

      Josh, you need to convince your current client that they need another Java programmer and I'm it, so I can get up there. :-)

      • I'm workin the angle. Got the perfect spot for you, however they want to hire not contract the position. Just give me some time to work it....

        If all else fails, if an Adobe project opens up and I take it, they'll need to backfill my position, so you have a chance there...
        • I'd appreciate it, I'm loving the no schedule, sleep late and go to the lake and then hit the club life, but it doesn't pay well anymore. :-)

          As an aside, I've been researching churches in the Cincy area. I know you are Catholic, but do you know anyone who goes to a non-denominational church in the area. I've found some with interesting websites that I want to check out, like Calvary Chapel [calvarychapel.com] and there is a Vineyard branch there. (I know Liora goes to a Vineyard Church.) But if you have any friends that g

    • If everyone else is moving there, it will not be a small city for long. ;-) Of course, with TL relocating to Cincy, there will probably be a mass influx of women from Tennessee...
    • You jest, but if I wasn't married I'd have relocated to Cincy by now. Wife isn't opposed to the idea, just doesn't want to move that far away from her parents.

      /transplanted Ohioan
      /originally from Toledo

  • No job is worth health problems. And shedding the mortgage should give you some financial wiggle-room.

  • And if you still are interested in working as a tech writer in Oslo (very relaxed place to be!), let me know ;-)
  • Tonight I happened to decide to quit one of my jobs. This is a writer's destiny not to be able to stay in a same job. Actually I changed my jobs for more than fourteeen times in which I was fired seven times. The more I change the job, the more I know well.

    I stayed in America for 8 months. In England 2 months. In the Philippines for 3 months. When it comes to inside Japan, I stayed in more than ten cities.

    Changing the jobs and changing the place to live are again destiny of writers. You are certainly follo

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