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Journal mfh's Journal: PHk and Wordpress

Some of you will know that I was working on a CMS for a long time. I just don't have the time anymore to keep up with the huge commitment this kind of project requires, so I've shelfed the PHk system for the time being. I'm going to start working on Wordpress plugins now, because I can quickly whip one off and release it into the wild.

Plus they already have their system in order to the point that it won't require that much debugging from me at least.

My first Wordpress plugin is called PHk Big Var Dump v1.0 and what it does is it outputs all the set variable keys and their values in the admin area. If you Wordpress, try it out if you want to start doing plugins.

Other things I'm planning with WP are:

- RSS feed reader to Post Queue (quoted)
- Job finder to crawl employment sites like Craigslist, Monster and HRDC -- and then give you the chance to select the jobs you want to automatically apply to. Quotes Job REF# so that it's SOLICITED email. :-) Just a huge time saver. On a test run last year I was applying to over 300 jobs a day all over Ontario. But a lot of work is needed before this could be released.

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PHk and Wordpress

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In any formula, constants (especially those obtained from handbooks) are to be treated as variables.
