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Journal KoriaDesevis's Journal: Encouragement 6

I have again been blessed with all kinds of encouragement from my friends.

One suggestion made to me was to post some fictional work here in my journal, that others could see and [hopefully] enjoy, and to offer feedback (or point and laugh, I suppose). I've nothing prepared that I would be willing to post yet, but I would be willing to work something up for this purpose if there is sufficient interest. I am not especially concerned about publication at this point - I regard my journal as a playground for the mind, not as a draft board.

This discussion was created by KoriaDesevis (781774) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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  • Jsut be careful though. Some publishers consider posting on the internet as a "previously published work", and may not publish it. (there's a lot of "publish" words in that sentence)

    I'd only post portions of it and perhaps with a note saying "this is not published" then delete the JE when you are through, and everybody has agreed that you are wonderful :-p.
  • Write what you know
    Allow yourself to write "snippets" plot will come later
    Dialog is hard - don't try and be Twain on the first day "Ya heeyah?"
    Write often and save everything

    Looking forward to your JEs... althought the lack of a link to pictures of you dressed as Batgirl have been diappointing.
  • I'd definitely be interested in seeing some of your creative writing.

    And when you're all rich and famous like JK Rowling be sure to at least send me an autographed copy of the bestseller. ;)

Anything free is worth what you pay for it.
