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Journal KoriaDesevis's Journal: Sadness 2

It's just after 4:00am here. I am wide awake for the second or third night in a row, and I am starting to wonder how this pattern gets started. I am tired, but I cannot get back to sleep. :/

A couple of days ago I believe I saw my fat bunny for the last time. He had been hit by a car. I would have held out hope that it was the wrong rabbit, but the color and size were right, and he was close enough to the house to be the right one. He has been absent from the yard since then too. :( When I saw him I felt awful - I know, it wasn't my fault, but I still cried. There is a smaller rabbit that has been in the yard, but I've not seen him in several days either.

This discussion was created by KoriaDesevis (781774) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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  • :-(

    It looks like rain here today. Very gray. There are new baby ducks on the pond, though. I tried to get a picture last night, but they are very shy. It is amazing how fast those fussy little things can move when they are motivated. There was a cormorant yesterday evening, too. He seems to come and go. I have not seen the egret in a while, but I expect that he will be back. It's been quite dry, up to the last few days.
  • I know it may not be much consolation because I'm not giving you advice on things to try for falling asleep, but I know how frustrating it can be to sit there and be awake. I tried all sorts of different things in hopes of finding something that would help me get to sleep. I never really did find any one thing that worked. What did help the most is when I stopped sitting around. I thought to myself that if I'm going to be awake I might as well not waste my time.

    That's when I started doing things, whether

One good reason why computers can do more work than people is that they never have to stop and answer the phone.
