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Journal sam_handelman's Journal: Aug 30 / Sep 1 - Washington Square Park - Civil Disobedience 2

For background, read this:

There will be a rally in Washington Square Park, on either Aug 30th or Sep 1st - the last day of the existing contract. Any supporters of the labor movement who want to come are welcome to attend - it's an excuse to spend the day in the West Village, anyway.

I am considering some scripted civil disobedience myself (part of a larger planned activity.) We all make a show of blocking a building in order to get arrested.

Anyway, the level of support and activism among the student body at NYU, not to mention the faculty, is very high (appreciably better than here at Columbia, unfortunately,) but I think they're going to strike, I think their strike is going to be very successful, and I think that the University will be forced to bargain with them.

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Aug 30 / Sep 1 - Washington Square Park - Civil Disobedience

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  • How does the date coincide with fall classes starting?

    Hopefully, one of the terms requested in the strike will be some permanent change in the appropriate bylaws of the school to more permanently recognize and deal fairly with labor unions. How much say does the president have, or was this decision likely supported by the entire (insert governing body of choice here)?
    • Most universities are governed in the same fashion as any other Corporation (incl. non-profits) they have a chief executive, the University President, who makes decisions, and then they have a board, the board of trustees in the case of both NYU and Columbia, who can dismiss the President if he doesn't do what they want, and may or may not have other powers depending on the charter. In this case the decision essentially belongs to the Presdident of the University, although for him to recognize the union wou

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