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Journal pagsz's Journal: Ramblings of an Idiot (23rd Installment)

Welcome back to the wonderfully wild and wacky world of Ramblings of an Idiot.

Well, it's been a fortnight since the last RoaI post, and during that time I've built up absolutely nothing of consequence to record. However, I've got a journal and some time to kill . . .

  1. Major League Baseball: Well, it's official. The MLBPA (Player's Association) has set a strike date of August 30. If the two sides can't come together before them, the strike will begin.

    I'm pretty pessimistic about the possibility of avoiding a strike. From what I've heard, the two sides are still pretty far apart, and aren't even talking today. With only two weeks left in which to strike a bargain, I honestly don't see anything getting done.

    Nor do I see it being a short strike. The differences on the luxury tax and revenue sharing proposals are just too great. I don't see there being a 2002 World Series.

  2. Summer: Is it just me, or has this been an annoyingly warm summer? It seems like every day in July and August was either hot, humid, or both. Plus it hasn't rained all that much. Not to mention the fact that my job has me working outside all day . I can't wait until this goddamn summer ends.

I was going to continue with the post, but the my computer is in a room that quite unfortunately lacks air conditioning. It's getting a tad too warm to stay here and type. Good-bye.

Update: 10:07 AM -- Saturday August 17 2002

A couple of the things I was going to mention yesterday, if it were not for the annoying temperature:

  1. Me: I think I've been watching a bit too much Farscape lately, because I've been using the word frell on a regular basis. Soon, all of my co-workers are going to think that I'm nuts. Or, more accurately, realize that I'm nuts.
  2. Baseball: Well, it's August, and the Red Sox seem to be slipping back into mediocrity. The've fallen to seven games back of the Yankees in the AL East race, and three and a half back of the Angels in the Wild Card. Maybe a strike won't be that bad a thing after all. It may be the only thing preventing the frelling Yankees from winning their frelling 27th World Series. Frell.
  3. Wasting Time: For no reason at all, I'm going back over my old posts and replacing the dumb quotes (" ") with smart quotes (" "). If it hadn't been for the Smart Quotes? Poll, I never would have thought of it. Damn you!

    Then again, I shouldn't blame that poll for how lame I am. Oh, well, at least it gave me a reason (however thin) to look over my old posts.

Well, I'm starting to feel the sweat beading on my forehead again. It's only ten o'clock in the damned morning, but it's already getting warm. So, I shall no longer be wasting time in this fashion. That's no biggie, because I'm of garbage to type. See you whenever.


When I tried to save this post, I got this message:

You can only post 15 posts per 4 hours

Apparently, with changing all of those stupid quotes, I posted too much stuff. Oh, well, I'll just save the updates to this post as a text file and save them when I next get the chance (I won't be here when I'm next eligible to post, somewhere around 2:00. I'll be at work. Shudder). At the same time, I'll get a little further in Lame-Ass Project #305: Quote Conversion. Untill next time . . .

Saved: 09:57 AM -- Tuesday August 20 2002

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Ramblings of an Idiot (23rd Installment)

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