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Journal brlancer's Journal: iBook therefore iAm

Yeah, I'm sure someone's used that joke before. Sue me.

What? Fuck, I got a cease and desist letter already? Steve Jobs has trademark on any word which begins with a lowercase 'i' and the next letter is capitalized? Yeah, this helps innovation.

So I pulled out my Mac today so I could work from my living room, since my wife was working on the family computer and I figured I didn't need to be in my office to do my stuff. I didn't get much time to work, as she pulled me into her work, but whatever.

So I'm working on the Mac now and realizing (again) that one of my big annoyances is the single (small) desktop that only really lets me keep one app in view. Hmmm, what's this, a program called Desktop Manager that lets me have multiple virtual desktops a'la X? AWESOME!

So it's working pretty well and after some minor config changes I'm a bit more productive. Next I need to figure out how to repartition this bitch so I can install Linux--not sure if I want Debian Sarge or Ubuntu, but hopefully something that won't clobber the CPU on this when I want to watch a movie.

Nothing happens.
