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Journal AceCaseOR's Journal: Back Again 1

Sorry for taking so long. What has happened since my last post...

Well, I played golf at the Special Olympics State Championships and placed Gold in my division. Also, I picked up a copy of the game "Feng Shui", published by Atlas Games. I have also managed to get a group togeather for said game, though we've only met once. I haven't scheduled another time because of our first sessions proximity to a Camping trip, and I didn't want to get it started only to have a pause for the trip.

What else... Well, I'm going camping next week. I'm also teaching myself C. And finally, I've started reading the comic MegaTokyo. I don't need to really give you the link, as the site's adverstized here (in fact, I discovered the comic through a banner ad). I reccomend it completely. However, don't just go to the site, click on a banner ad for it and support /. already!

And that's all for today.

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Back Again

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