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Journal buffer-overflowed's Journal: CITY at the center of THE WORLD 8

So I was telling SIELWOLF about my trip to TIMES SQUARE in NEW YORK CITY... THE CITY, in NEW YORK STATE, where I picked up a HOOKER, and it turned out to be AL PACINO. He was working on SCENT OF A WOMAN at the time, and kept saying HOO-HAH.

So recently, ME and SIELWOLF decided to go down to THE MALL in THE DISTRICT, to see the NATIONAL FIREWORKS by the WASHINGTON MONUMENT. We walked down K STREET and saw JAMES CARVILLE sucking on LEMONS. When we got to around NEW YORK AVENUE, we saw KARL ROVE clubbing BABY SEALS and chugging CRUDE OIL, so we gave him A WAVE.

We got to THE MALL, and ended up being bored, so we decided to go to a similar sized country. We ended up in VATICAN CITY. Where we saw THE POPE driving around in his POPEMOBILE. It had THEME MUSIC, which went DAH-DAH-DAH-POPE-MAN. But the VATICAN CITY didn't have enough JESUS, so we bounced to JERUSALEM.

Which is in ISRAEL. And while stopping by the WEST WALL, we met a STREET MERCHANT who went by MUHAMMED ALI. He sold me a COMMEMORATIVE PLATE which was filled with JESUS. But it turned out to be ARTIFICIAL JESUS, so I tracked him down in ANKARA, and made the mistake of badmouthing ATATURK. So I got put in a TURKISH PRISON, where I got a TURKISH PRISON TATOO. It was NOT FUN.

On the way back I flew into BOSTON and stopped by HARVARD SQUARE, where I saw BLINDER looking at fliers. But a bunch of HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL KIDS were MOBBING the area, so I didn't get to say hi. When I flew back to BALTIMORE, I stopped by MOUNT VERNON and bought a RESSURECTION. I spilled some on my COMMEMORATIVE PLATE and it turned the ARTIFICIAL JESUS into REAL JESUS.

So I took it down to THE MALL, and now THE DISTRICT has 10% more JESUS. Which is a marked improvment because we switched to JESUS-POWER back in the early OUGHTS as an ALTERNATIVE FUEL SOURCE for GOVERNMENT. So I got awarded a CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL, and I'll always have my TURKISH PRISON TATOO to remind me of the TRIP.

And now I'm SUBMITTING this to SLASHDOT.

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CITY at the center of THE WORLD

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