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Journal js7a's Journal: Karl Rove, Judy Miller, General Miller 1

I have been scarce. Slashdot jumped the shark, as far as I'm concerned. Do people with subscriptions have to wait for indeterminate numbers of minutes, greater than two, between posts these days? DailyKos has no such restriction. Therefore, some links from Kos:

Rove signed a very restrictive NDA, forbiding him from outing a whole bunch CIA agents for political gain. And, trying pathetically to cover it up is probably also a crime.

Tired of reading? Eight minutes of high-quality AudiRove (requires Real Player) from this thread on the Brewster, Jennings, and Associates Kos story.

Do you know what Brewster, Jennings, and Associates is? You should.

Tired of Rove and the Downing Street Memos?

Does Judy Miller deserve to be in jail?

Tired but don't want to leave /.?

Did GITMO General Miller lie to Congress?

This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Karl Rove, Judy Miller, General Miller

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  • No dice for subscribers. I have to do the two minute shuffle like everyone else. Although I finally was submitting two comments simultaneously, and had them both go through.

    FWIW, what I do is load my reply in separate tabs. Submit. If it bounces, I set the tab to reload every 5-30 seconds (depending on how nasty I feel) and let it figure it out.

The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy.
