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Journal M.C. Hampster's Journal: Extreme JavaScript 2

While reading about the Google Mapping API, I came across this article titled "JavaScript Closures". If you've ever used or learned about Ada, it should seem familiar. To those who have never programmed in a language where a function can declare inner functions with closures, it will probably seem like the strangest thing in the world. :-) I had NO idea you could do this in JavaScript (or for the sticklers, ECMAScript).

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Extreme JavaScript

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  • Closures really confuse the garbage collector. Not so bad in Mozilla / Firefox / Opera, but *really* nasty in IE.

    I just had to go through a bunch of Javascript not to long ago to eliminate closures, as (unfortunately) they didn't listen to me when I said we should embed Mozilla into our product. So, I had to embed IE, and so we're stuck with IE leaking like a sieve.

Repel them. Repel them. Induce them to relinquish the spheroid. - Indiana University fans' chant for their perennially bad football team
