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User Journal

Journal glh's Journal: Update

.NET User group meeting tonight- click here if you are in Northwest Ohio and want to come check it out. Plenty of pizza, prizes, etc. to give out at the meeting.

This week has been going by pretty fast. I'm planning on taking Friday off for the "Homeowner Orientation" assuming we get that far this week. Carpet went in last night. I haven't been out to see it as they were still installing it at 8pm. I may go out tonight to check things out. Today we submitted the final draw and they generally try to do the closing within a few days of that. I believe most of the inside is ready for the final inspection. My list is down to about 20 items, most of which are cosmetic. I am going to try and hold off on the closing until a good chunk of the items are completed-- especially the inside ones. I really don't want to move in and have people coming through to fix things. The outside is a different story- I'm willing to let them come back after we close to fix those things up so long as I can get it in writing that they will :) (Ex. Grading, power washing brick, fixing garage door vinyl caps, etc.)

Some good news in other areas as well. I'll be posting another update next week on that, can't get into it just yet. Just hoping to finish up this week and move in next week after July 4th (taking off a week of vacation when we get our move-in date).

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