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Journal whig's Journal: New Scripture

We wrote it in code because it was illegal.
The high priests have controlled it since antiquity.
The sacred herb of the Tree of Life.

Do you trust one, and seek to bring him amongst your brethren.
Trust him with your life and your safety, give him the peace pipe.
Then do so in the presence of those others, that they may know him.

Of secret societies two there are, loving people and loving power.
And both say the same things, one honestly and one to deceive.
And you will know which is your own, by your own acts and intention.

Do not think that if you have done wrongly, you must be cursed forever.
Deal honestly with yourself and with those whom you have harmed.
Heal yourself, and you shall be with us.

This is our body. These are our sacraments.
And we are coming in clouds to end the rule of power.
Information will be free, art will flourish, and it will be a golden age.

But for those who have ruled by force and imposition.
It will be as a great burden, and each of them in turn shall complain.
And they will say, look at all of this suffering, when they mean only themselves.

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New Scripture

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