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Journal saskboy's Journal: NASA article posted to front page of slashdot today 5

In my first accepted slashdot.org story, I almost got the first post, but thought better of it.

I remember seeing the graphic of the protons striking NASA's camera in space, after someone posted the spaceweather.com site on the eBay forum I often post on. It was possibly about the time I took a picture of northern lights, so I'll see if there is one in my photo album, and post it.

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NASA article posted to front page of slashdot today

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  • I never archieved the frontpage. Only once I got into the apple-only section. Congratulations on your submission!
    • If it's on science.slashdot.org is that still considered the front page? What do you mean it was in the apple-only section, it wasn't viewable when directly visiting slashdot.org?
      Thanks, I was starting to think I would never get a story on /.

      {exagerates}Now I can die happy{/exagerates} ;-)
      • Well, no and yes... The subsections run more stories than the ones viewable on the frontpage. So, your article is featured on science.slasdot.org, but was considered important enough to be shown on the "generic" frontpage. (That means: what you would see as "not logged in").

        Mine was accepted, but only in the Apple section. So, an "not logged in person" wouldn't see it unless he clicked on the "Apple" topic at the left hand side of the webpage.

        Of course, for logged in people, it may make no differe

  • I don't seem to have any photos of the aurora in January, but here's one from last November [sasktelwebsite.net].

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