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Journal DesScorp's Journal: Should I ditch Slashdot and get a blog? 2

Hello, and yes, I know I haven't posted in a long time. I've been insanely busy. I'm taking a week off starting tomorrow to rest and catch up with non-work.

Now for the topic...

After reading some posts about the Patriot Act being expanded, I'm now convinced more than ever the Slashdot is now as much a lefty-libertarian site as it is a geek site. I didn't sign up for a L-L site, so lately, I've just been ignorning Slashdot some. Even the damn Star Wars stories are filled with anecdotes about how the evil Republicans are trying to destroy the virtous democratic paradise that is America. Just out of curiousity, I went back to look at the first 9-11 story on Slashdot; probably 2/3rds of the posts were along the lines of "we asked for this, this is what we get". Lots of pro-Palestine, anti-Israel posts in there. It disgusted me to read it.

I've long known Slashdot is a rather cynical place. Fine, but with a ridiculous conspiracy bent to that cynicism, now we sound like a tech-flavored Democratic Undergound. Free tinfoil hat with every account. Pudge doesn't post enough to balance things out around here. I'm not looking for a monolithically conservative bent, but Jesus, would a little balance hurt this place? I think that's too much to ask. That's why, after resisting the idea for a long time, I'm now considering doing a blog. I think there are far too many blogs. I think that people should understand that the average joe's life just isn't that damn interesting, and so we don't want to hear about your day at work or your life, thanks. But I would like someplace where the likeminded can discuss technical issues. If we throw in politics, it'll be because as of yet, we have no place to go that's like Slashdot. We're kind of in a 1970's media situation; if you don't like the three major networks and newspapers, tough shit....Fox News and the Internet won't be here for 20 years yet. So you'll just have to suffer in silence.

And it's not that I don't want opposing views. I like good debate from the other side of the aisle when it's respectful. Cyrano VR has always been that kind of poster. You CAN be friends and not agree on something, you know. Debate is good and healthy for the mind, and we need more of it. But most of what goes on in Slashdot isn't debate. Far from it.

Part of me doesn't want to blog. It's too damn much work, and I've got enough work to do as it is. But I like speak my mind, thanks, and I need a forum to do it. I especially like that give and take with other people. And yes, it's only human nature, that somewhere I'd like a forum with like minded people. I can go anywhere and discuss republic, etc, etc. But where can I talk about politics in one sentance, and then jump to Linux or OSX in the next? Nowhere like that but here. Not even Kuro5hin is like that anymore. That place has just gotten strange. Haven't posted or read there in probably a year.

More topics to follow...

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Should I ditch Slashdot and get a blog?

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  • Problem with blogs... Unlikely I'd (the royal I'd) ever read it. The internet is too full of junk, sure, so is slashdot. But, since this is one of the few sites I'll check out and already have a circle of JE's I check out, I don't really feel like looking for yours in particular.

    Basically, you are not special (I mean that in the nicest possible way). I enjoy reading On Lawn's journal, but he started posting at Brew Masters and I stop reading. Why? Because while I enjoy reading his stuff I just don't
  • If you get a blog, you could cross-post the more interesting stuff here.

"The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy." -- Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards
