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Journal bofkentucky's Journal: Night from hell 2

I want to reboot today, make that yesterday

Someone shot one of the cats with a .22 (I've got my theories as to who, but I'm going to let the sheriff scare him first, fucking crank lab owner).

Right front leg at the "ankle" joint, emergency trip to vet, tibia and fibula are in at least 6 pieces, he's kitty morophined and out now, the ortho guy at my vet is taking a peek at the xrays tomorrow morning to see if they are going to be able to pin/rod/screw the bones back together, but I get the impression I'm going to have a tripod cat tomorrow afternoon.

Now my new work cellphone is missing, hopefully it is at the vets, it wasn't in the parking lot, I drove back after I realized it wasn't on my belt when I got home.

I'm so pissed I can't sleep.
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Night from hell

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