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Journal Quantum Jim's Journal: Why were these modded as overrated? 5

Why were these two posts moderated overrated? The first one wasn't moderated until well after the story. The other was posted in btlzu2's journal. Why anyone would moderate those entries is beyond me. Why they are overrated doubly so. I need answers! The posts:

P.S. I have received moderation power twice in the last week, and more times in the last two months than the previous year! I don't like moderating stories about subjects that I am not an expert at, so it is a little wasteful. (Of course - dear /. deities - once a month is fine with me.) What's up with that?

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Why were these modded as overrated?

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  • Some people are jerks sometimes. Don't sweat it man.

    I don't get it either.
    • Heh. I complain too much sometimes. I was just curious why they were moderated that way - the overrated rating is hard to interpret. I want to fulfill my prime directive at /. of course.

  • The first post doesn't look like a 5 to me (nothing wrong with it, mind you), so maybe you had a moderator who takes "overrated" literally.

    For the second post, you just landed a jerk - or someone who is really pissed when people use their Voice for.... comments in people's journals? Weird. Anyway, I modded it back. Unless that's his journal he's modding, that's abuse, and you might want to report it.

    I get mod points roughly every four days, assuming I spend them immediately - you don't go into the lottery
    • Thanks for the insight.

      For the second post, you just landed a jerk - or someone who is really pissed when people use their Voice for.... comments in people's journals? Weird. Anyway, I modded it back. Unless that's his journal he's modding, that's abuse, and you might want to report it.

      He/She/It wasn't the parent journal's author - btlzu2 []. I suspect the `overrated` moderator was someone who didn't like me defriending or foeing him/her/it. It wouldn't have been the first time []. Except that the ot

  • This place is full of people with very strange opinions and thought processes, so comments are moderated accordingly.

    Interestingly, since I stopped metamoderating, I've been getting mod points very frequently. I used to get them once a year. Now I sometimes get two lots in a week.

"Just Say No." - Nancy Reagan "No." - Ronald Reagan
