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Journal Pinball Wizard's Journal: Missing friends?

I appear to have "fans"(i.e. people who have declared me a friend) that don't show up in my fans list. Anyone else have that problem? What good is it if you can't reciprocate when someone declares you a friend because you don't see them on your fans list? Perhaps its the ones that don't write journals? Only that doesn't make sense because there are a couple of people who don't write journals on both my friends/fans lists.

On the subject of journals and friends and fans, allow me to list a couple of interesting things I've run across.

Most lopsided friends/fans ratio: John Carmack, with a huge list of fans and no friends.

Bjarne Stroustrup, creator of C++, has only one fan(me). He's only posted two times though, I bet most people have no idea he ever made an account.

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Missing friends?

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