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Journal CmdrTaco's Journal: Oh Sweet WoW, Penguicon

I've resisted the tempation for many months. I know my personality. I know that massives call out to me, begging me to suckle their time consuming bossom. So I never bought a copy of World of Warcraft. Now almost everyone I know has played WoW to some degree and the consensus is pretty much that it is the best massive ever. Anna & Patrick talk about it compulsively... and they finally managed to get the bug lodged into my wife's beautiful head. I bought Kathleen a copy while in California last week. She installed it. I watched her play for all of 60 seconds before I decided I had to play. The next day it was installed on my box and I was off and running.

I'm playing on Azgalor and actually got my real nickname so feel free to say hi or mail me cool toys. I'm running a level 11 dwarven paladin and having a quite enjoyable time of it now that I have a decent mace and can actually kick out enough damage to kill things. I've run most of the quests so far with Kathleen (who is running a gnomish sorc). The hype is right: WoW really took everything from its predecessors and just kinda said "Fuck it all, lets do it right." Unfortunately I also have real life to contend with... real responsibilities take away from getting a piece of miner gear or something so that I can get that sweet sweet XP. I need to sit down and decide upon a path for my char. What abilities and such I wish to focus on. And strategies for making my char more effective.

I have maxed out my vacation time, so I guess I could just take a week off and play... but that might be a little foolish. Maybe every OTHER day for a couple weeks!

Penguicon is this weekend. I've heard of a number of people that are going, but so far there's been no real demand to organize any sort of Slashdot extravaganza. I'll be speaking somewhere, and hopefully showing my fandubs in the anime room. Should be good times. Or I'll just sit in my hotel room and try to level.

Never trust a computer you can't repair yourself.
