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Journal CmdrTaco's Journal: Slashdot Entertainment Section, Penguicon Slashdot Gathering 15

Penguicon is just a few weeks away and I'm really looking forward to it... I've got copies of studio Sokodei's fandubs en route for the show, so we'll be watching Fanboy Bebop, ReDeath, and Nescaflowne. I'll also be doing a couple panels, and at least one Slashdot specific panel. Last year we had a LOT of people show up, and had to quit only because the room was usurped. This year we'll figure something better out. The show is held in Novi (sorta between detroit and ann arbor) so if you're in eastern michigan, consider coming. I'm hoping to arrange some sort of Slashdot gathering at the show but don't know if we're talking about 5 guys or 50, so help me out if you're interested in participating. It may be as simple as hanging out in the hotel bar for an hour or something. I don't really know, but I'm open to ideas.

A few weeks ago we brought hardware.slashdot.org online with relatively little fanfare. Like IT before it, it representes little in the way of new content, but it will offer users a way of finding specific subject matter. I was supposed to have 'entertainment.slashdot.org' up around the same time, but this has gone poorly. So here is a bunch of logos that Kathleen & I worked out for the section. We never found one that we really liked... so I'm throwing this out as a challange to any of you readers... try to design an entertainment logo... it needs to have the curve, and the word 'Slashdot' in the font Caliseo in it. Colors, backgrounds, everything else is up for grabs. I promise at least a t-shirt if we use your design (plus the immeasurable value of me plugging you in my journal... you can almost smell the 31337).

I'm actually travelling a lot in the next few weeks. Penguicon, California, Cleveland, Tokyo, and possibly Vegas. 5 trips in about 7 weeks. The new Pokemon emerald comes out in a few weeks, so that could keep me company on long flights... otherwise I may have to buy a PSP. I've resisted so far. It's taken every oz. of willpower I don't have. Me want. Me want much.

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Slashdot Entertainment Section, Penguicon Slashdot Gathering

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  • I vote for "entertainment experiment 2".
    • I prefer entertainment experiment 3 to #2 -- the attempt (in #2) to line up the letters with the film cels just doesn't work for me

      The matrixish static ones would work (in a manner of speaking :-) if you made them animated gifs. Same with the old school film.
  • If they don't like it they can go to hell.

  • Pretty subtle but I always liked the look of old b&w.

  • I would have to definetely go with Entertainment experiment 2, and 3 as a backup they are clear and it looks like a film, granted it makes sure that its specific to films but if thats where you want to go, I'd say you are dead on. If you want more broad appeal, then keep on looking, what does entertainment need to encompass? games? TV? movies? porn? :)
  • I'm voting for 6 (with the Black & White film feel) with #10 as an alternative.

    A lot of the other ones are, frankly, too loud.
  • 4, 2 and 6, in that order. I don't get the reference in #2, but it's sufficiently weird that I like it.

    (Does this mean I'm a friend of a friend? I'm giggling like a schoolgirl!)

  • I am throwing my weight behind #6 Old Film Crisp. It's kewl, clever, and subdued.:)
    • Me, also. I'm a 'more subtlety is better' kind-of-guy.

      And how did I get permission to post to Rob's journal? Is this open to everyone or did the right someone make me a friend?

  • Sorry; I don't have time to crank out logos for you guys, but how about you try a logo where you have a projector on the right hand side projecting the Slashdot logo up on the left? Might sort of get your film/entertainment feel without having to do one of the filmstrip logos (which are good btw; I think they are the best of the bunch)

    Since you really seem to like the 3d glasses, why don't you have some audience members at the bottom looking up at the slashdot logo wearing 3d glasses?
  • How about a Hollywood sign like element to it?

    Make the tagline something like "Hooray for Hollywood" and maybe put something reminicent of the spotlights in the background.

  • I humbly submit for your critique:

    It took some exhaustive research, but I finally found the font used in the logo. I snatched a copy from here. [flyerstarter.com] Spelled differently than Taco's, but appears to be the same thing. The font also goes by the name "Koloss."

    I might make a few more later if I get bored. For now, I'm gonna go pop in a DVD. Enjoy!

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