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Journal bsdbigot's Journal: 8 to 5 bullshit

Here's one of my biggest pet peeves... Telcos (RBOCs and CLECs alike) and other utilities, when they quote you an install date, they can never be more specific than "between 8am and 5pm." What a load of crap.

Being that I have no specific experience working as a utilities installer, maybe I just don't understand the way things work. I do know a little about scheduling and resource management, though, and it seems to me that (emergency calls aside), these idiots should be able to provide a 2 to 3 hour window during which the install will happen.

While we're on the subject of pet peeves, what the fuck is up with the food services industry? You can't be seated until the rest of your party arrives! That's just bullshit - I could sit down and order drinks and appetizers for everyone while they are parking the car/finishing their shopping/whatever. The bitch of that is, if there's only two of us, we will inevitably be seated at a table that will fit six or more people. And nobody takes reservations, anymore, either.

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8 to 5 bullshit

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