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Christmas Cheer

Journal RobertB-DC's Journal: Ghosts of April Fool's Day 2

At this moment, there are no fewer than *seven* pending stories on the front page of Slashdot. Seven!

Before I went out for a bite, there were only four. All four of those went on to be real stories.

I suppose that April Fool's Day is a day when all the ghosts can take on corporeal form. So this journal entry is itself a bit of an April Fool's joke... there won't likely be any Ghosts of April Fool's day.

But if there were one article that could be judged "least likely", it would have to be this one from the - - dept. I don't know how it made it past the lameness filter. I hope it goes live, though... I can't wait to add my comments. I think I'll say, "."

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Ghosts of April Fool's Day

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