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Journal Sloppy's Journal: What? 8

Damn you, Lemmy. A buzzing noise has followed me home from the Motorhead show. Given past experience, I predict it'll be gone when I wake up tomorrow. But that's just hope and speculation, and regardless, the long-term loss in my left ear is beyond all doubt.

Kids, it's too late for me. In fact, today I turn -- ugh, I don't want to say, but it's .. um .. late 30s, as opposed to mid-30s. But maybe it's not too late for you. Wear earplugs. Trust me, I really know what I'm talking about. Yeah, that's dogma, but I'm telling you, just do it anyway. If you can't believe me on this one little thing, then unfriend me.

And don't give me that shit about earplugs looking dorky, or that it means you're "weak" or something. That's bullshit. Maybe a few ignorant fuckwits will look at you funny, but notice the expression on the faces of us old-timers. We'll look at you with respect, and maybe a little envious regret as well. Just wear the fucking things, or you'll end up like Sloppy, and "What?" will become your most-often spoken word.

This discussion was created by Sloppy (14984) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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  • Cat got your tongue? (something important seems to be missing from your comment ... like the body or the subject!)

    I say! I do have a body! And I am certainly not missing! How insulting!
  • The ideal earplug would lower the volume equally across the audible frequencies. That hasn't been my experience. I've tended to wear plugs for the opening bands, but taken them out for the headliner.
    • That's a fundamental thing, not something that could easily be dealt with using a different brand.

      When you wear earplugs, most of the sound is coming from bone conduction, which is going to have a lot different frequency response.
  • In fact, there's another reason to wear them at concerts: it'll sound better. Nine times out of eight, you'll hear the band *much* more clearly with earplugs in. The preservation of your hearing is just a nice bonus.
  • It's called Temporary Threshhold Shift. Yeah, you should always wear earplugs, even when you aren't at concerts, because it keeps btlzu2 from licking his finger and sticking it in your ear and then running around yelling "Wet Willy! Wet Willy!"
  • may be I am a wimp when it comes to these things, but there were times when my church's college group worship leader (a metal band member also) just had the music too dang loud so I would either wear ear plugs or leave and come back when the mosh pit was finished.

    Being an occasional barbershop singer and a classical music fiend I protect my hearing at almost all costs. I just don't want to be missing some of the music because I had to pretend to be macho downtown some night. Yes I even take earplugs if I
  • What is already my most frequently used word, but not because of hearing loss, just attention loss. That's why I can't afford to have my hearing damaged. Also as a musician it's important. So yes, I will confirm for anyone with doubts that it is very important to wear earplugs. If you buy the right kind they will be good enough not to dull the sound, but just dampen the sharpness and bumps.

    This can also lead to more enjoyment because sometimes the sound levels at various places where music is played aren

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