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Journal buffer-overflowed's Journal: Brainnnnssss 8

So today(well, yesterday now I guess) is the day that comes on a different date every year where this religious sect of semitic origin celebrates the anniversary of the return of their god made man from a 3-day stint in hell after some nastiness with the authorities.

On an aside, I keep telling people that hell is the penultimate tourist destination, after all even Jebus himself just had to pay it a visit, but no one pays me any heed. BTW, next time you're down there, swing by Dis and check out the Ghandi Burger right across from Hitler's Used Car Emporium, it's food to be damned for. And don't you be taking any lip from Richard Nixon during your trip either.

Anywho, Jebus is back with a vengeance, having risen from the dead to devour the brains of the faithful. Only the easter bunny can stop the undead menace with his army of confectionary, and it is imperative that he not fail.

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