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Journal RobertB-DC's Journal: Ghost Article: Jeff Hawkins Takes a Crack at the Brain

Ghosts of Slashdot: 03/24/2005
[Whine if you must about duplicate articles, but sometimes, I think, it sounds too good to hold back. That's where we Subscribers come in. This article is a dupe of an article that was still on the front page, but I and (I hope) other Subscribers helped send it to its final reward. Additional satisfaction: this submission isn't nearly as well-written as the original, possibly because it's from a guy pushing his own blog!]

Jeff Hawkins Takes a Crack at the Brain
Posted by CmdrTaco in The Mysterious Future!
from the ai-oh-ai dept.

Alan writes "Jeff Hawkins, the handheld pioneer behind the Palm and Handspring companies, has decided to start using his head. He is hours from introducing his new company, Numenta, to the world. Its mission statement is to create machines that function like the human brain. From anyone else, this would be a prelude to drooling on castle towers while trying to catch lightning to rule mankind, but this is the man who invented the handheld and pushed the wireless revolution, so the world is listening."

What are the Ghosts of Slashdot?
As a Slashdot Subscriber, I get to see stories before they're posted to the general public. This means that I get to see the mistakes -- the articles that almost made it, but got sent to the cutting room floor at the last minute. They become the Ghosts of Slashdot, a URL that points to nothing.

Note that this is NOT the same as whining about article submissions that didn't get accepted! These stories were accepted, posted for subscribers, and then pulled from the site. Their brief existence gives us a glimpse into the Slashdot post-submission process, for those who are interested in what's going on behind the curtain.

Other Subscribers have joined the Ghost Hunt!
Here's a partial list:

more to come...

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Ghost Article: Jeff Hawkins Takes a Crack at the Brain

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Tomorrow's computers some time next month. -- DEC
