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Journal Celt's Journal: Wow its been awhile 2

its been a long long time since I've posted in this journal of mine.
To be honest not much has happened, Hmm let me try remember where I left off.

Ah yes, last I left off I had just broken up with Trish, well we're still friends, even more so then before we got together, strange that...

I know at this stage It sounds like a broken record but I'm still friends with Linda, though recent events mean I may not see her for sometime, but thats a story for her journal not mine, besides it kind gets very personal and I don't want to write about her life in that kinda detail it is'ent my place.

Anyway, I've found the strangest things happened to me lately, Last week I lost out on a full time job in Galway and yeah I was pissed off about it, but the first thing I did that evening after I got off work was phone Linda to make sure she was ok, now I know that may not sound STRANGE.
But it is to me, you see, before if something like that happened to me I would have been pissed off for ages and I would have sat in self-pitty for a good number of days, I guess this means I've grownen up....just a shame it took till I was 21 for it to happen.

Well these days I'm almost pennyless because I only have a weekend job and I'm living away from home this summer, but considering the fact I have hardly any money I'm still not going to move back home even though I could at anytime.
Infact I'm in work right now, waiting.

Waiting for what you may ask, well I'm waiting for a girl to come in here, she's a regular and I've got talking to her a few times and all that.
And well today if she comes into work I'm gona ask her out, yep thats right, I'm gona ask her out.
ITS MADNESS I know but I've grown alot since Trish, you wouldn't believe how much.

When I went out to nightclubs before this year I used to hate them, I used to sit in the corner and want to be at home, yes I know what your saying "Your sad!!" but hay that was the old me.
The new me, is the person who now goes out and enjoys himself, I enjopy the night for what it is, I don't get pissed off because I'm not with some girl like I used to and I gota say its certainly a GREAT change.

I've dragged myself up from the technological Monk I was becoming and changed myself into someone who is better then most lads (guys) my age, why you may ask?.
Well because I have honor, something most lads (guys) around here don't have, I've seen what most lads around here do and well I've always thought to myself that I'll NEVER do what they do, this may sound strange but atleast I can try not to do what they do.

Ok I'll just shut up now because I'm just rambling on and on and its getting boring.
I guess I should post in my journal when I can remember something interesting I've done.

Oh here's something thats scary, no offense to any American who reads this but a American came into work last week and asked me a question, it went something like this:
"I know you have to drive on the left hand-side in Ireland, but when your passing someone on a footpath (pavement) do you pass them on the left or right hand-side?"
I explained to him that it does not matter but frankly I don't think he believe me, Judging by the look on his face.

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Wow its been awhile

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  • I'm glad you try to get out of your Technology Monk status. One kindly meant advice of my part: be careful, it's much harder than you think. I actually tried to get out of it too, and you see what it has brought me. Nothing but pain and sorrow. You know, you can try to go out to clubs and tell to yourself you are enjoying it, but then there is always the risk that you are just lying to yourself. That's what I did.

    As for honour, I don't know who do you refer to in "lads around here". I'm one of the lads here, and I really do think I have honour. Perhaps one might think differently about it, if you read my journal entries, but talking about your personal life on a forum like this takes courage. Honour and courage go hand in hand in my opinion.

    So good luck :-) Just post about your adventures once in a while, okay?

  • Well to be honest I know when I'm lying to myself and I'm not lying to myself when I go out to a club and enjoy myself, I actually do enjoy the night.
    Infact last Sunday night was the best night out I've had in awhile.

    As for honour and me saying "lads around here" what I mean by that is, when I was in school I wanted to do Art.
    But the only place I could do Art was across the road in a all girls school (I was attending a all boys school) well often I was in the Art class and I'd hear girls comments about how great and nice some lad in my class was. But I knew the truth. Most of these guys were total f@%kers.

    My belief regards this is, if a person can not be nice in general day to day, anything else is just a mask of the real person that they are.
    In other words these lads were assholes in day to day life but nice to these girls.
    Ok maybe I'm just a slight bit bitter from school but alot of people really don't grow up much since the time when they went to school.

Heisenberg may have been here.
