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Journal PotatoHead's Journal: Hey! How many fans do you have? 5

And do you care?

I seem to have tapered off a bit after gaining some regularly over the years. Has something changed? It's not a pride thing with me. I'm gonna write what I write regardless of the number of fans. It's just the geek in me noticing something and wondering what others think.

Are we seeing less new slashdotters lately? Political / personal views beginning to skew too much from the old school slash? (I've seen some of this, but not enough to matter just yet, IMHO. Thoughts on that?) Perhaps, nobody cares anymore? After we all futzed around with the relations, maybe they just don't matter?

Those interested left?

Just board, but busy at the moment, wondering what you make of it, that's all.

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Hey! How many fans do you have?

Comments Filter:
  • I have 266 fans. Someone in the circle used to have a map of connections and how people were connected and how many fans they had and all that. I can't remember who did it, though.
  • PotatoHead

    I am still here after all these years. Did not have fans when /. started, but always appreciated compliments and good comments from /.'ers. I like reading others comments more than making comment, keeps me in touch with the realities that most miss on culture, society, politics, technology application, and environment construction/architecture for personal thinking/feeling. Sometimes I go into a dormant state ... I never finished high-school, dropped out of college, somehow managed to collect up
    • Funny how time passes 'eh?

      After all this time, I still freaking love Slashdot. Looks like we hopped on this grand ride about the same time. I, for one, am glad I did. Seeing all the different opinion and social interplay here has been an education in and of itself.

      You and I had similar experiences it seems. Fine by me, I know I am better for it.

      For every 100 posts 'o crap, there is that one Gem, that makes you think for a while.

      --You are welcome.

"Most people would like to be delivered from temptation but would like it to keep in touch." -- Robert Orben
