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Journal linuxurious's Journal: turbolinux no more?

I was alarmed when I reloaded my LinuxToday webpage this morning only to find a link citing that TurboLinux is going to close shop, pack their bags and go home after a long arduous struggle to float in the bottomless sea of what-they-called-the-real-world. Huh? was my first reaction. While I do not pay much attention to Turbolinux usually, I know that they are doing alright in Japan if not in Asia in general. They are also offering valuable professional services such as clustering and stuff that matters. Then, how can it suddenly slide to the brink of non-existency? It is rather hard to fathom this truth but hopefully, Turbolinux would quickly issue a rebuttal complete with supporting information that they would probably still be around to witness the dethrone of MS by GNU/Linux.

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turbolinux no more?

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