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Journal Zeriel's Journal: Random Tidbits 8

Shrinking Zeriel Project = 187. Yes, I'm trying to stabilize around 185.

X2: The Threat. Like Freelancer or Privateer, only on steroids. Not for everyone, but if you liked the above two games it might be worth the $30. Hard to get into, after about three hours it sudden started to open up for me.

I wonder who I offended to get modded offtopic on all four of my recent comments? I don't even post on the frontpage anymore. C'mon, if you have a problem with me, step up.

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Random Tidbits

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  • I liked Privateer a lot, and Privateer 2 as well. I bought Freelancer, but the flight mechanisms bothered me (no joystick option) and I never really got into it. I was hoping that they would do a Privateer-analog in the Independence War engine, but no such luck. So, would you recommend X2 to me?
    • Well, it's like this:

      Only $30ish.
      You can buy EVERYTHING in the universe (including space stations and huge capital ships, 65million will net you a milspec carrier hull for example)
      70+ Flyable ships, from light scouts to multi-turret destroyers to carriers with 100+ fighter docking slots.
      You can play with the economy in fun ways by owning your own manufacturing facilities
      You can own multiple ships, and control them with add-on remote command modules, including combat-style commands and two different ki
    • One minor more thing:

      Unless I'm actively dealing with a pirate attack on my corvette-in-progress (heavily-upgraded shields, no guns because I haven't reached a place to buy gamma-class high-energy plasma throwers yet =/) I spend 100% of my time in the very well-done interface for issuing remote computer commands to your vessels. (including my own! I let the autopilot fly me around while I'm managing the fleet)

      This is either a huge plus or a huge minus depending on your outlook.
      • Sounds intriguing. I'm not sure if I have the time for quite this much involvement, but it's cheap enought that it might be worth picking up anyway. Thanks.
    • Me, i'm waiting for Elite 4 to come out. And i will absolutely refuse to touch any of these inferior games* (like Privateer) :p

      * It is my firm belief that no game should require something as silly as a plot.

  • I haven't posted my weight stats in a while. There's a reason for that...
    • I was debating on not posting them...I've been hovering at 187-190ish for a while, but it's a stable sort of hovering.

      And when it comes down to it, it's better than 243 any day.

Our OS who art in CPU, UNIX be thy name. Thy programs run, thy syscalls done, In kernel as it is in user!
