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Journal buffer-overflowed's Journal: Dum de dum 14

Welcome home RW. Next time you're down here in the Waltimore DC metroplex, let us know. I still owe ya a beer.

I, much like the dubious one, have been playing WoW and working and doing the whole living thing. WoW has eaten all the slacking time I used to spend here. I'm playing horde on stormreaver if anyone else is doing the world of warcrack as well.

Oh and watching the Sin City trailer. I've played it back something like 50 times and I still can't find anything non-trivial to bitch about(the actress playing Miho's face being a bit too wide, and the yellow on willis's hands looking kinda chincy are the biggest complaints I can come up with). This is unnatural for a comic book based film. So, all my searing dork rage is directed at Keanu having a career(Through a scanner darkly? WHY MUST YOU MAKE PHILLIP K. DICK GENERATE OUR NATIONS POWER WITH HIS SPINNING!), the treatment Hellblazer got(chewing gum at the end, and the angel wings bit! FUCK!), the treatment "The Watchmen" is probably going to get, Scorcese still being oscarless(WTF? Who is going to remember Million dollar baby in 5 years?) and other little bits of utterly trivial significance.

Can't find a copy of Audition for a reasonable price(it's a bit overrated imo). This is a movie you use to deeply disturb people. Kinda like discussing genital mutilation and french film over food and beer. I did pick up Shaolin Master Killer finally. It's not right to have such classics(and yes, classic applies here) as Return of the Five Deadly Venoms and NOT have Shaolin Master Killer. Also nabbed Shaolin Soccer.

That is all. Carry on.

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Dum de dum

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  • SMK is great. My favorite part is the Gordon Lui laser eyes part where he looks around and its like *beeYEARWNNN!!* Its more fundamental and is kinda nice with its restraint because Shaw Bros were soon doing the flying vorpal birdcage blind grandfather throwing hand grenades and wearing swaztikas thing. I guess they all kinda balance out.

    Audition,/i> gets some hype as its how most people learn about Miike but Ichi and Gozu are where its at for me.

    Someone said that the AFI was going to show a Beat T
  • I thought Gilliam was doing that, which ought to rock solid. New news I haven't heard?
    • Gilliam hasn't been involved since the early 90s. He said he couldn't do it in a normal movie format, 12-hour mini-series otoh, yea.

      Paul Greengrass (Bourne Supremacy) is directing. No cast set yet.

      They're also adapting V for Vendetta(due out later this year).
      • Re:The Watchmen (Score:3, Insightful)

        by sielwolf ( 246764 )
        V4V is going to be... ugh. So it isn't nearly as wound in chronology as The Watchmen but it is still a complex long work that probably would be best with 5 one hour episodes instead of one movie.

        I was impressed with Portman's acting when she was jailbait but now it is just... and then the fact that we're dealing with a Matrix Revolutions hand-me-down as a director... is it going to be all green filter and very overmasculine women in bad bondage?

        I liked the aesthetic of the series. It has the grubby stee
        • I never really got into V4V. It's one of the few Moore works I've read where I could take it or leave it. Guy Fawkes meets 1984. And to prove I've read it, w/o spoiling anything. Imprison people like the romans do.

          Anyway, V4V is definately easier to translate into a 2-3 hour movie format than The Watchmen is however.

          And yea, it's an Alan Moore work so we KNOW(I'll wager dollars to pesos or yuenglings to ressurection on this) it's gonna be raped. We can all stand around after The Watchmen and V4V come
          • They released a Watchmen graphic novel? Guess I should just throw away all these loose copies, huh?

            Scorcese still being oscarless(WTF? Who is going to remember Million dollar baby in 5 years?)

            Was that you who originaly said that about Million Dollar Baby, or are you cribbing sielwolf's notes?

            If Longbow Hunters isn't in at the comic book store this week, I might pick up V4V. Might do it anyway, as I'm camped out at the motorcycle dealer on Thursday.
            • Yea, you should toss em and get the TPB. Hell most of what I have anymore are TPBs.

              I dunno and I don't feel like checking. I'm still pissed off about Goodfellas and Raging Bull. I mean shit, this is Scorcese we're talking about, he's a freakin' living legend of film who could make Keanu Reeves look talented if he wanted to, and he never wins.

              • Well, he made Leonardo a contender for best actor. If that isn't a sign of a primo director, I don't know what is.

                The loose issues of Watchmen are in storage. I only read from my TPB.
          • Right now the only thing I think that could bring down Sin City is it not "clicking". That's it. It's what happened in Dune and in part Constantine (a waste of a great Peter Stormare effort BTW): the actors seem to be embarassed to while even standing around and they aren't acting; more just reading the lines very awkwardly. If the actors can't believe their lines then the whole thing grinds to a halt. Kind of like a party going silent when asked about someone's son and it turns out the kid just got hi
            • Ahh but there's not really much "wierd out there shit" in Sin City. It's film noir in comic form, and the structure of the movie is reminiscent of pulp fiction(I expect to see comparisons, even though the source material predates pulp fiction). I'm not too worried about it not clicking. Rodriguez is more than capable of doing this type of film.

              Dune? I liked Dune, it was visually stunning. Didn't make a lick of sense if you hadn't read the book, and the lines were delivered hokeyly, but it wasn't an aw
              • Yeah, V as a force of nature plays into his "You should never see my face, Evy" thing. I think he specifically works towards that and the only characterization comes second-hand via people talking about "The Man in Room Five".

                His effort towards mythologizing himself is what real world revolutionaries/terrorists have done: Abimael Guzmán, Tito, Pancho Villa, OBL. Cult of personality to make people see him as more than human. Also he was smart enough to realize that finding his mortality would dest
                • All i wanna say is, i'm not sure how you manage this, but y'all are cool BOTH

                  A.) in spite of this conversation


                  B.) Because of it.

                  • Heh. Well I guess I could go google up some Master theses who use The Watchmen but it'd all be for show: Moore writes good stuff as a rule. Not just good intragenre but good in general. A craft anyone can appreciate.

                    What is sad is how sparse the set of good graphic literature is. I mean Watchmen came out twenty years ago and there hasn't been a product by any of the major houses that has come close in the interim (and if you include small avant comics, maybe you can say Maus tops it). So getting to t
  • And you can count on it! :-)

"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
