Journal Journal: First^H^H^H^H^H Second Post
If you have just tuned in; welcome to my little spot on slashdot. Read on if what interests you is me: my life, my interests, my hobbies.
Firstly, a bit of recent history.
I come from a family of four children. I am the eldest. I grow up in a little country called Malaysia. It is truly a remarkable place. Westerners love it (or dislike it) because of the heat. For Malaysians there is no such thing as a weather forecast. It's hot and wet whole year round!
I completed my Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (Malaysian Educational Certificate) in 1996, and then continued undergraduate studies in Multimedia University. I took a course of Electronics Engineering majoring in Computer; and managed to pull it all together and get the degree at the end.
As far as Open Source and Linux are concerned, I am considered a late comer. After 2 years of dual booting Linux with windows, I finally got enough and threw it out the window (windows out the window of course!).
My final-year thesis required me to set up IPSEC (IP security) over IPv6 and do performance monitoring. Back in the old days (still very true now, in fact), FreeBSD sported the most advanced and tested IPv6 stacks on the planet. For this reason, I had to throw Linux out as well to make way for my new OS installation. I still have a soft spot for Linux; it's like an ex-girlfriend. The romance is over but the beautiful memory remains.
I got my first job in Nokia; as a system administrator for Solaris systems! It was a dream come true. I work with myself; and with 4 beautiful SUN systems and a powerful Intel Pentium III computer with a big hard disk (running FreeBSD , of course!). It was like working in a playground.
2 years later, I moved over to Hong Kong, People's Republic of China to work in a smaller company, NetHawk of Finland. NetHawk makes analysers and simulators for GSM and 3G networks. It is where I am working now, typing away in the summer's heat (and feeling right at home) in my cramped apartment.
I work as technical support for this part of the world (a bit part, too). I sit there replying e-mails and phone calls made by angry and unsatisfied customers! The rest of the day I spend by hanging around and updating myself about the technology that embodies wireless networks in general, or more specifically the GSM system, and the UMTS system.
The GSM system is widely used in most countries in Europe and Asia. UMTS enhances the GSM system by providing a possibility for higher data rates through a newer radio modulation system. It looks and sounds easy in words.
~~ That's enough for now. More next time! Any comments are welcome!