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Journal Journal: The next Slashdot story...

The next Slashdot story will be ready soon, but subscribers can beat off to seeing it early!

Interesting comments so far: (fuck this shit, I'm going to trolltalk.

It's no secret that I've been trolling more often than not, lately, and have actually been trying to decrease my karma. In fact, I attempted to post an almost-all-caps flame against the E=MC^2 anniversary (it's not fucking podcasting unless it has an RSS feed you cockjuggling thundercunts.), and it's still yet to be modded down.
I feel so unloved. :[


Journal Journal: Viral Privacy Policies? 1

Recalling a long, drawn-out debate and discussion over how certain licenses (XFree, I'm looking at you) are "viral" in the sense that they'll only accept pure-free code, and thus any linked code must be free-as-in-freedom as well. It occurred to me later on that this kind of policy might be the bulletproof privacy policy consumers are looking for: A privacy policy that explicitly states that it is required for their affiliates to have the exact same privacy policy as they do. This way, if you're convinced the company won't use your information in evil ways, you'll be convinced their affiliates won't, either.

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