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User Journal

Journal Journal: how to print from notepad

  1. Click "Start."
  2. Click "Settings..."
  3. Click "Printers"
  4. Find the name of printer.
  5. Click it.
  6. Click "File."
  7. Click "Set as Default Printer."
  8. Click "Start"
  9. Click "Run..."
  10. Type "command" and press enter.
  11. At the prompt, type "mkdir C:\notepad" and press enter.
  12. At the prompt, type "exit" and press enter.
  13. go back to notepad
  14. Press Ctrl + A
  15. Press Ctrl + C
  16. Open MS Word
  17. Click in the big white area in MS Word.
  18. Press Crtl + V
  19. Press Ctrl + S
  20. Select the C:\Notepad folder you created earlier, type a file name, and click save.
  21. Press WindowsKey + R
  22. Type "C:\notepad\" and press enter.
  23. Find the document you just saved.
  24. Right click it and select "print."
  25. If these steps did not work, empty your recycle bin, reboot, and try again.
User Journal

Journal Journal: the shiny, red, candy-like button

Outlook Users (Especially at work),

PLEASE, GET RID OF your "Reply to All" button. For your own good. It is one of the most dangerous buttons on you computer! Really! It gives you far too easy of a way to accidentally send confidential, private, or impolite information to many unitended recipients. You could get embarrased, yelled at, fired, OR WORSE!

1. Right click any toolbar
2. Pick "Customize..."
3. Remove the reply to all button (Just drag it off the bar.).
4. Open an email message.
5. Repeat steps 1-3 for the mail window.

(and when you actually do want to reply to all it is still available in the "Actions" menu)


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