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User Journal

Journal Journal: The permanence of the internet

It occurred to me, after being placed in the position of arguing that the internet wasn't just for porn, that I should watch the porn industry as a whole a bit closer..

The instant they figure out a better way to deliver tentacle porn to the bedrooms of school children, I need to find a different career.

It's like the growth of interconnected digital networks, with their vast and complicated subsystems, are merely a side effect of the libedo of teenagers.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Coffee.

If you think that by threatening me you can get me to do what you want... Well, that's where you're right. But - and I am only saying that because I care - there's a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market that are just as tasty as the real thing.

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FORTUNE'S FUN FACTS TO KNOW AND TELL: A black panther is really a leopard that has a solid black coat rather then a spotted one.
