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User Journal

Journal Journal: Ruby Tuesday

Goodbye Ruby Tuesday. I wish tuesday would go bye already. I'm tired. Work is sluggish. It is summer and I want to spend the next 3 months in the Outer Banks eating seafood and sipping cocktails. I'll keep dreaming I guess. I always wished that I could get a job that was like school; you get to have from Memorial day to Labor day off (OK school summers were shorter, but it's my fantasy damn it). With pay of course. I can imagine how refreshed an re-invigorated I would be if that was the way it was. As it is though, I spend my whole summer sitting in the office listening to people complain about how slow the system is and why we have to change our passwords every 3 months and when do I get a flat screen monitor. Uugghh. I need to start my own business. I need some ideas though. Off to think.....

User Journal

Journal Journal: Finally

Well I have finally written in my journal again. What better way to slack off at work? Not many that I can think of. I guess I just needed time to distract myself from the mundane routine of M$ patch Wednesday. I wish this whole place ran Linux instead of just me and a couple servers. Oh well, such is life I guess. Well off to continue patching.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Bad mood

I really hate SCO. I mean, obviously, this has been a long standing hatred but lately it is getting worse. The more I see photos of Darl McBride in garbage media articles, with that stupid grin on his ugly ass face, a urge to kill rises. I fear I may snap and do something drastic. I don't know how long I will be able to fight the urge.

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The price one pays for pursuing any profession, or calling, is an intimate knowledge of its ugly side. -- James Baldwin
