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Journal Journal: Enough Angst For Three Linkin Park Albums

Essentially I'm going through my teen angst bit a little late. I'm writing down every tiny piece of bullshit that pissed me off, ever, since I've been 13. I'm putting it in one big text document the size of God. It's going to be the Bible-sized tome of angst. Maybe one day it'll be on Avril Lavigne's coffee table.

I was going to post everything I have now here, but then I realized that I don't want to be on every user's freaks list.

But this one's pretty good. Insightful, even. I'm sharing. Then I'm going to bed. And I doubt anyone's reading this.

"Maybe I should get skinny and grow my hair out and get some rhythm. Then I could impress a hot Asian chick at the arcade with my mad Para Para skills. Maybe the secret to eternal happiness lies in busting out a perfect score in expert mode on "Butterfly." As it is, I'm lucky if I can even last the entire song on soft mode."

User Journal

Journal Journal: Test 1


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