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Journal scottbomb's Journal: Ask Slashdot: Where are the entry-level IT jobs? 3

There has been plenty of debate on Slashdot recently about the value of a college degree, the most sought-after certifications, even home-school curriculum ideas for budding geeks. While the value of experience certainly cannot be understated, the question must be asked: how does one get started with all the ads demanding 3-5 years of professional experience and/or a 4-year degree? How does one find out about entry-level positions? A search on Monster and Dice reveals very few results for entry-level positions and they all required a 4-year degree (I'm working on it but it's about 4-6 years away as I'm a part-time student). This is in a metro area with a population of several million people so expected to find at least SOMETHING. Are there better job sites for IT? what's the secret to getting the foot in the door?
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Ask Slashdot: Where are the entry-level IT jobs?

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