Journal Journal: apple itunes plus: with out drm, but breadcrums
Kirk McElhearn a freelance writer, specializing in Macs, the iPod, iTunes and digital music, writes in his blog about the new way apple is keeping track of itunes songs from being shared.
He writes "Today, Apple released its first "iTunes Plus" tracks, music in 256 kbps AAC format with no DRM. So you can copy this music to any computer, play it on any device or computer that supports AAC, with no restrictions. However, while there is no DRM (digital rights management) in these tracks, there are breadcrumbs.
If you look into an iTunes Plus file--just open one with a text editor--you'll see both your name and your iTunes account ID."
After posting the file form a song in his blog he adds,
"You'll also see this information in the Info window for the tracks in iTunes.
So, while nothing is stopping you from sharing these files, remember that anyone will be able to find out who initially bought them. You can most likely edit the above information with a hex editor, but I haven't tried that yet."
Personally I've never bought a song from the itunes store, but I can't see how putting private information into a song's file is anything good.