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User Journal

Journal Journal: I've been befriended.

I was catching up on one of my e-mail accounts and discovered that I had been added to the list of friends of one sinserve (455889). This was rather unexpected since I don't appear to have interacted with this person yet. The only thing I can guess is that they read the one post I've made (unless they work for slashdot and read the one article that I submitted (it was rejected, presumably, because by the time I submitted it the story in question had already been published)). If sinserve ends up reading this, I would be happy to hear from him or her or it or them or whatever other pronoun might be adequate here. Especially if he or she etc. would like to make me rich beyond my wildest dreams, but even if that isn't the case, I would like to know by whom I have been befriended. If I don't hear from my new fan before my analysis qualifying exam (which is looming rather ominously) I will probably send them a friendly "By the way, who are you?" message.

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Seen on a button at an SF Convention: Veteran of the Bermuda Triangle Expeditionary Force. 1990-1951.
