Journal Journal: Getting started with Audacity 1.3
A few months ago I was approached by the good folks at Packt Publishing to do a technical review of their brand new book "Getting Started with Audacity 1.3".
Before I start, please do note that, for SEO's and good taste's sake, I avoided any lame puns with the post's title such as "To audaciously go where no-one has gone before". Until now, at least.
Throughout the review I found the book to be interesting and very readable, proposing projects that were both easy to do and immediately compelling, such as creating and editing useful soundbits from a ringtone to a podcast complete with phone interview. I even used what I had learned to create my own ringtones: the first chords of Fortunate Son for one, and a few bars of the main theme from Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea for another.
I recommend this book for those that want to create or edit their own soundbits and don't know how. It is the perfect introduction to audio editing. The fact that the app used is available on the three major operating systems for free, and that it has an intuitive interface is a major boon.