I never really bothered with the
Slashdot journal, until recently when I came to the conclusion that I should start using it. My reasons for this are that I've been wanting to have an online journal, but didn't feel like having another subscription.
Slashdot, on the other hand, is a site I already know and love, and come to every day; I can write about the current events posted on the site, not posted on the site, and about my own life; even giving free publicity to slashdot, for people who haven't been here but want to read my journal; stemming from that thought, I hope that Charli (the love of my life, and geek in training) will start reading Slashdot more, because I honestly believe you can learn alot about tech itself from the tech news and such... not to mention how bad I've wanted to have the conversation of: Charli="Have you read slashdot today?",Ed="No, why?",Charli="Oh, there was this great article a few minutes ago about..." and you get the idea