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Journal Journal: The Danger of WikiLeaks

(reposted from my blog)

Unless you've been living under a rock for the last few weeks, you've heard of WikiLeaks.

If you haven't heard, a douchebag named Julian Assange has taken it upon himself to publish several classified documents. He claims to be holding over a quarter million documents, of which he has released just over 1300. The ones that he has released are basically gossip, but there are some real gems buried in the contents. Such as a list of security-critical locations around the world. Or, to put it another way, a checklist for any terrorist to attack us.

Last year this asshat published a list of weaknesses with our current protection systems, basically giving the enemy an easy way to kill my comrades-in-arms. At the same time, he released the identities of human rights activists and informants. Then he has the gall to say "we must be willing to break a few eggs to make the omelette".

Now, it seems, he has a deadman switch. If anything happens to him, a completely unredacted form of all the documents that he has received will be made public. Apparently there are legal issues, and governments think that they have no legal reason to arrest him. The security acts, apparently, don't cover this case.

Here's a hint, not that anyone in power is reading this. It's fucking blackmail. He is threatening that he will release secret documentation, which will jeapordize American and allied troops around the world. He will tell the worst people in the world the identities of those working undercover to overthrow their regime and make the world a better place.

Julian Assange, you are a terrorist collaborator. If you were burning in front of me, I would not piss on you to put out the flames. Your pigheaded arrogance is jeapordizing the lives of my friends, my brothers-in-arms. My family will sleep MUCH better at night, knowing that in your crusade for government transparency, you have told the world where my ship will be.

I hope the ghosts of all those innocents you've outed gnaw on your conscience for the rest of eternity. Go fuck yourself, Julian.

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