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Journal Journal: Thattekaad

1. Red Spurfowl [call only]
2. Grey Junglefowl
3. Lesser Whistling-Duck
4. Brown-capped Pygmy-Woodpecker
5. Common Flamebacked Woodpecker
6. Greater Flamebacked Woodpecker
7. Lesser Flamebacked Woodpecker
8. Heart-spotted Woodpecker
9. White-cheeked Barbet
10. Malabar Grey Hornbill
11. Indian Roller
12. White-throated Kingfisher
13. Green Bee-eater
14. Blue-tailed Bee-eater
15. Indian Cuckoo
16. Drongo-Cuckoo
17. Indian Hawk-Cuckoo
18. Asian Koel
19. Greater Coucal
20. Blossom-headed Parakeet
21. Malabar Parakeet
22. White-rumped Needletailed Swift
23. House Swift
24. Crested Tree-swift
25. Jungle Owlet
26. Indian Nightjar [call only]
27. Savanna Nightjar
28. Srilanka Frogmouth [call only, no sighting ]
29. Spotted Dove
30. White-breasted Waterhen
31. Common Moorhen
32. Bronze-winged Jacana
33. Red-wattled Lapwing
34. River Tern
35. Whiskered Tern
36. Greater Grey-headed Fish-Eagle
37. Crested Serpent-Eagle
38. Shikra
39. Changeable Hawk-Eagle
40. Darter
41. Indian Cormorant
42. Little Egret
43. Asian Open-billed Stork
44. Indian Pitta
45. Asian Fairy-Bluebird
46. Eurasian Jay
47. Rufous Treepie
48. White-bellied Treepie
49. Jungle Crow
50. Eurasian Golden Oriole
51. Black-hooded Oriole
52. Small Minivet
53. Oriental Magpie-Robin
54. Black Drongo
55. Ashy Drongo
56. Bronzed Drongo
57. Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
58. White-bellied Drongo
59. Asian Paradise-Flycatcher
60. Common Iora
61. Large Woodshrike
62. Malabar Whistling-Thrush
63. Orange-headed Groundthrush
64. Gold-fronted Leafbird
65. Eurasian Blackbird
66. Rusty-tailed Flycatcher
67. Chestnut-tailed Starling
68. Hill Myna
69. Great Tit
70. Dusky Crag-Martin
71. Red-rumped Swallow
72. Red-whiskered Bulbul
73. Red-vented Bulbul
74. Yellow-browed Bulbul
75. Black-crested Bulbul
76. Grey-breasted Prinia
77. Tickell's Flowerpecker (Pale-billed Flowerpecker)
78. Purple-rumped Sunbird
79. Purple Sunbird
80. Crimson-backed Sunbird
81. Little Spiderhunter
82. Chestnut-shouldered Petronia
83. Large Pied Wagtail
84. Grey Wagtail
85. Indian Pond-Heron
86. Brahminy Kite
87. Yellow-billed Babbler

User Journal

Journal Journal: DDSF

      1. Aegithina tiphia, Common Iora
      2. Dicrurus macrocercus, Black Drongo
      3. Pycnonotus jocosus, Red-whiskered Bulbul
      4. Pycnonotus cafer, Red-vented Bulbul
      5. Pycnonotus luteolus, White-browed Bulbul
      6. Pycnonotus xantholaemus, Yellow-throated Bulbul
      7. Accipiter badius, Shikra
      8. Neophron percnopterus, Egyptian Vulture
      9. Terpsiphone paradisi, Asian Paradise-Flycatcher
    10. Pericrocotus cinnamomeus, Small Minivet
    11. Pericrocotus flammeus, Scarlet Minivet [female]
    12. Zosterops palpebrosus, Oriental White-eye
    13. Saxicoloides fulicata, Indian Robin
    14. Copsychus saularis, Oriental Magpie-Robin

User Journal

Journal Journal: Santragachi - Calcutta

Dendrocygna javanica, or Lesser Whistling-Duck [~1500]
Anas acuta, or Northern Pintail [~20 pairs]
Anas strepera, or Gadwall [~50 pairs]
Anas clypeata, or Northern Shoveler [~10 pairs]
Nettapus coromandelianus, or Cotton Pygmy-Goose (Teal) [1 pair]
Metopidius indicus, or Bronze-winged Jacana [5]
Anas querquedula, or Garganey [unconfirmed]

User Journal

Journal Journal: Lakavalli trip

    -- Pitta brachyura, or Indian Pitta (1, seen foraging, just before dark)
    -- Spilornis cheela, or Crested Serpent Eagle (a few individuals, on canopy)
    -- Oriolus oriolus, or Eurasian Golden Oriole (a few, on trees)
    -- Pandion haliaetus, or Osprey (3, on stumps in the reservoir)
    -- Terpsiphone paradisi, or Asian Paradise Flycatcher (a few, one in white)
    -- Myiophonus horsfieldii, or Malabar Whistling Thrush (heard the sweet song)
    -- Psittacula columboides, or Malabar Parakeet (a pair near a stream)
    -- Dinopium benghalense, or Black-rumped Flamebacked Woodpecker (plenty)
    -- Dicrurus paradiseus, or Greater Racket-tailed Drongo (plenty)
    -- Psittacula cyanocephala, or Plum-headed Parakeet (a company)
    -- Circus aeruginosus, or Eurasian Marsh Harrier (1, flying overhead)
    -- Ocyceros griseus, or Malabar Grey Hornbill (a pair on flight)
    -- Ciconia episcopus, or White-necked Stork (1, flying over the reservoir)
    -- Motacilla flava, or Yellow Wagtail (1, on a stump in dry backwater bed)
    -- Sterna aurantia, or River Tern (several, flying over the reservoir)
    -- Tringa glareola, or Wood Sandpiper (1, on backwater bank)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Armchair birdwatching at home

Corvus splendens, House Crow
Corvus levaillantii, Jungle Crow
Acridotheres tristis, Common Myna
Milvus migrans, Black Kite
Orthotomus sutorius, Common Tailorbird
Copsychus saularis, Oriental Magpie-Robin
Dendrocitta vagabunda, Rufous Treepie
Dinopium benghalense, Black-rumped Flamebacked Woodpecker
Oriolus chinensis, Black-naped Oriole
Turdoides striatus, Jungle Babbler
Psittacula krameri, Rose-ringed Parakeet
Columba livia, Rock Pigeon
Megalaima zeylanica, Brown-headed Barbet
Nectarinia zeylonica, Purple-rumped Sunbird
Halcyon smyrnensis, White-throated Kingfisher
Halcyon capensis, Stork-billed Kingfisher
Ardeola grayii, Indian Pond-Heron
Pycnonotus jocosus, Red-whiskered Bulbul
Phalacrocorax niger, Little Cormorant
Streptopelia chinensis, Spotted Dove
Eudynamys scolopacea, Asian Koel

User Journal

Journal Journal: Nandi Hill Trip

Egyptian Vulture, or Neophron percnopterus, a pair (on microwave tower)
Asian Paradise Flycatcher, or Terpsiphone paradisi, 3 (1: short tail, 1:rufous, 1:white plumage)
Oriental Honey Buzzard, or Pernis ptilorhynchos, 1 (feeding on a beehive)
Red-Whiskered Bulbul, or Pycnonotus jocosus, plenty
Red-Vented Bulbul, or Pycnonotus cafer, plenty
Magpie Robin, or Copsychus saularis, 1
Indian Blue Robin, or Luscinia brunnea, 1
White headed Babbler, or Turdoides affinis, plenty

User Journal

Journal Journal: Varathur Lake trip

So, finally my second visit to Varathur lake yielded some disappointment. Actually I expected a lot, but this is a dry season. So the count:

Varathur lake:

Northern Shoveler, or Anus clypeata, ~7000 (floating in lake)
Marsh Harrier, or Circus aeruginosus, 4 (1m/3f, flying overhead)
Common Sandpiper, or Tringa hypoleucos, 1 (feeding in water hy'ths)
Barn Swallow, or Hirundo rustica, ~100 (busy)


Unidentified ducks, ~250 (floating in lake)
Marsh Harrier, or Circus aeruginosus, 3 (3f, flying overhead)
Grey Heron, or Ardea cinerea, ~60 (feeding)
Large Cormorant, or Phalacrocorax carbo, ~50 (on power line)
Brahmany Kite, or Haliastur indus, ~10 (2j, flying overhead)
Lesser Pied Kingfisher, or Ceryle rudis, 5 (hunting in pack)

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