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User Journal

Journal Journal: I've got Good Karma!

Gee, today must be the big day. I just noticed that my karma went from "positive" to "good". I feel so honored.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Ah, so this is why...

It turns out that I got meta-moderated as "fair", so I got "modded up" to good karma. Now I know.
User Journal

Journal Journal: On moderation and karma

Apparently, once you become a good slashdot-izen and moderate periodically, you get to moderate more and more, and I've gotten my 3rd set of moderation points. Also, I was somewhat surprised to see that I also now have positive karma rather than neutral. I thought you had to post, and be modded up to get that. Guess I'll need to read up on it.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Another moderation!

They like me, they really like me.... Ok, so some randomness factor has decided that I should be, once again, bestowed with the rights of moderatator-ness.
User Journal

Journal Journal: I feel so privileged....

I feel so honored...I got to moderate for the very first time. What an awesome responsibility...

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The first Rotarian was the first man to call John the Baptist "Jack." -- H.L. Mencken
